What English Language phrases are more desired to be learnt by beginners?

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Hi Kelice! Beginners desire to learn the phrases very fast which are about introductions, directions, places, offices, small talks like in shopping etc.

  • I think that many students already know "My name is ______" and "Hello" before they start doing online English classes. So they may want to know common phrases useful for describing their activities and their day: "Today I went...," "Every Saturday I....", "Tomorrow I will...." Another Tutor wrote, giving an answer about phrasal verbs and conditional phrases, and I agree. Lots of English students would like to practice and learn these kinds of phrases because they can be difficult, but they really help a student increase his/her command of English. I think English students also really like learning how to use idioms. Correctly using sayings like "It costs an arm and a leg," "every once in a while," and "when pigs fly" is a good indicator of high English skill. :) However, beginners may find idioms difficult, and perhaps more advanced students are likely to ask about them. :)

  • Hello How are you? Where are you from? Excuse me! I’m sorry. How much is it? I’m hungry. It’s cold. It’s hot. No, thanks. Thank you.

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  • I agree with others. What is your name, age, country of residence. etc

  • Phrasal verbs, 1st and 2nd conditional

  • Don Quixote

  • There are many English language phrases that beginners can learn to start speaking English. Some of the most common ones are related to introducing yourself, asking and answering questions, saying hello and goodbye, responding to how are you, asking for clarification, and asking for directions123. For example: • Hi! I am [Name]. (And you?)1 • Nice to meet you.1 • Where are you from?1 • What do you do?1 • What do you like to do (in your free time)?1 • How are you?2 • Sorry, I don't understand.2 • Can you spell that?2 • Excuse me, where's the station?2 • What's up?4 These are some of the phrases that people use every day in English.

  • The most desired phrases to be use by beginners will centers around communication both verbal or written communication such as Introducing yourself. Hello My name is _______ Am sorry Thank you It's nice meeting you .

  • Good to see you. Thank you for your time. It's Asad here. What do you do? What's up?

  • The first thing students want to know for sure is how to ask for food, drink, general communication as how to introduce themselves and ask simple questions and of course how to curse

  • 1. introduction phrases like hello. how are you? what's your name? nice to meet you. 2. basic expressions like thank you, yes , please, no. i'm sorry. can you please help me? 3. expressing likes and dislikes. i like/love/enjoy i don't like/hate what's your favourite? these can be some of the expressions for beginners

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