What does IMY mean in text?

I am always lost in these acronyms. I met IMY in text message and I don't know what it means. Could you help me?

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  • Counter to many of the other answers, whilst IMY in text messages is an abbreviation of sorts, it is actually an acronym meaning, "I Miss You". ILY, (I love you), and wyd?, (what you doing), are other common examples. An acronym is a specific word formed from each of the first letters of a succession of words. An acronym is a type of abbreviation, whilst other abbreviations differ from acronyms, (eg. etc. i.e., and so forth). Hope this answers your question with a bit more accuracy!

  • The meaning is abbreviated words of I Miss You. Abbreviation is a word or words made shorter.

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  • IMY is an abbreviation for I miss you just like idk stands for i don't know.

  • İt means I Miss You

  • IMY is an abbreviation of the phrase "i miss you", and is most often used in text messages and informal communication🙂

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    IMY stands for “I miss you.” People usually use it to express their feelings to friends, lovers, and family members.Use IMY to tell someone you miss them. Ask to catch up with them, make plans if you haven’t seen them in a while, or flirt with a significant other.React earnestly when someone sends you IMY. Let them know how much you miss them too, and agree to make plans if they ask you about it.

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