What do you think is the most difficult part of learning a different language?
I am currently learning Korean, learning the vowels and consonants was very easy but I found reading harder than pronunciation.
28 answers from our tutors
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As I see it, every skill of the target language can be learned by students who stick to practising. But the only obstacle is your self judgement whenever you make a mistake. The only advice I can give a student is embrace your mistakes. Making mistakes is a proof that you're trying. And one of the best ways to learn is putting yourself in challenging situations using the target language.
Every skill of a language can be challenging. It mostly depends on the person and their learning style😉
Getting the pronunciation right, applying the stress point correctly, other you could be swearing or insulting someone without knowing it.
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Constancy and determination is the key difficulty for learning any language. Don't just learn any language but live it. Tell me why we know our native language though we never try to learn it? It is because we live and observe it in our surrounding so, if you want to learn a language surround yourself with that particular language; read, write, listen and record yourself while speaking. Because we learn better when we use our 5 senses together. I know some language are more difficult to learn than others but every language has its own difficulties so, just try to fix it with your constancy and determination. Life is more precious 😊
Hello In the approach of new language the worst could be writing skill. You can lear speaking listening other people, but writing requires practice and lessons Best Regards
- Jamari AndrewsI am a certified bi-lingual TEFL English teacher! Let me show you the keys to confidence & fluency!
The most difficult part of learning a language can be developing the different ways to move your tongue. It also can be difficult to remain consistent when things get hard, but that’s why it’s great to remain perseverant!
I think for most people is the anxiety of making mistakes while practicing spoken languages. Self-consciousness takes over and can get in the way of language learning. I always tell my students that it's ok to make mistakes and remind them it's a part of the learning process.
If you want to learn a new language, first you have to like it.Interest is the best teacher. Secondly, the most inportant thing is to insist. When you meet difficulties, you can't give it up.
When it comes to learning a new language a lot of the aspects of the language might be difficult for different students at different levels. But the most common of them all should be Grammer, mastering the difference Grammer rules in Languages can be a daunting task even for native speakers of the language
- DianaCertified ESL Teacher Specialist in Online Teaching
In my opinion, the hardest thing when learning a new language is to be able to think immediately and articulate using clear expressions and colloquial phrases.
Well it depends on the language. In general , the most challenging parts can be pronunciation, grammar, listening and speaking. For some reading and writing is difficult though. I think, in case of learning French, the hardest part is the pronunciation as written and spoken forms seem apart. Learning Chinese, Japanese and Korean is challenging regarding their alphabet, writing and pronunciation. Some Latin languages such as German have difficult and complex grammar while some others like English have easier grammar. Each skill can be more or less challenging to learners according to their interests and learning styles.