What do you find difficult when learning English?

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A lot of my new students feel nervous about speaking in English because they're afraid of making mistakes. This is because their previous teachers spent a lot of time on theoretical English without giving them the chance to practice. To help them feel more confident, I make sure to create a safe and supportive learning environment where they feel comfortable taking risks and trying new things. I also stress that making mistakes is a crucial part of the learning process.

  • pronunciation and new vocabulary learning which sums up to speaking.

  • I feel I am having a challenge with speaking and reading English

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  • I think different people have different challenges. Some people struggle with pronunciation, others struggle with grammar such as past/present/future tense or articles such as "the", "an" and "a", or subject verb order etc... while yet others struggle with confidence. It seem like it is usually one of those three. I only tech conversational English though...

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