What do you do to stay up-to-date on best practices for teaching English?

We're expected to stay on top of the latest trends and techniques in education because it is constantly changing and evolving. Please discuss the methods you use to keep up with developments in the field. Do you attend conferences? Read books or blogs? Follow certain teachers on social media? Explain how you incorporate this new knowledge into your classroom.

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8 answers from our tutors

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I try to keep up with the latest knowledge by browsing reliable sites like Quora.com, interacting with native speakers, and reading my all-time-favorite articles.

  • I try to consume English content on a regular basis by reading articles,speaking with natives , listening to podcasts ,and keeping my self-updated about the new teaching methods and approaches.

  • I always keep up-to-date with new words that I come across while reading a book. I have t keep up with current methods of approach for students as we come across different levels of learning. I also google to get lessons for young children to learn through quizzes, word searches and short stories. In my country, there are certain criteria to follow when preparing for examination for students. I get the information from the Ministry of Education so that when I teach the students I will follow the guidelines as to how many questions and what is the grading system like.

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  • I constantly look for different methods of teaching. Iattend webinars and watch the top teachers conducting lessons.

  • I personally do research. I like learning new things so it’s always easy for me to incorporate new information. I always follow other teacher. Luckily for me, I’m still completing my degree in Education. So, it’s easy for me to collaborate with my colleagues and find help from my lecturers.

  • Reading books and articles, following teaching communities, paying attention to feedbacks from students and parents, using the latest technologies and software and a lot more.

  • Attending webinars with different tutors. Exchanging ideas and information about their experiences and tutoring styles. Checking out different sites and stay updated.

  • I read articles and blogs and constantly review how I am learning a foreign language myself so that I can use my personal experience and new knowledge to help my students reach their full potential.

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