What challenges do you face when trying to improve your English, and how do you overcome them?

Every person differs from the other. We should all remember that a couple of methods, can't be useful for everyone. please share your answer so that your teachers know about your difficulties.

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6 answers from our tutors

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Everyone learns at different paces and benefits from different teaching methods. Do not be shy or scared to ask questions if you need more help understanding, teachers are here to help.

  • Well, maintaining consistency is challenging. It can become boring sometimes to learn a language. There are several ways to overcome this, one is to make the learning interesting.

  • Hi Learning new vocabulary!!! I am solving listening 3 podcasts different and reading books Best Regards

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  • It much depends on individuals as well. Some has more flexible mind than the others . So for someone overcoming the challenges might be quite easy,while for others it can be much more complicated . I would highly recommend to practice more often and feel free in communications with others ,no matter how many mistakes you will make. The 1st and the most important thing is to overcome language barrier .Keep on trying and one day you will definitely succeed)

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    setting a specific goals and targets, practicing regularly, getting feedback from a teacher or native speaker, and using a variety of resources to supplement your learning.🌍

  • Further developing my English includes handling language complexities, extending jargon, and refining elocution. To defeat these difficulties, I keep an everyday understanding propensity, effectively partake in language trade discussions, and use language learning applications. Looking for input from local speakers and rehearsing reliably through composition and talking contribute fundamentally to my language upgrade venture.

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