What are your listening sources for English?

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27 answers from our tutors

Best answer

I suggest: - Watching TV shows and movies in English with subtitles. - Listening to English-language podcasts on a variety of topics. - Tuning in to English-language radio stations, either online or on the radio. - Listening to English-language music and try to understand the lyrics.

  • Elena
    ElenaCountry flag: cn
    Chinese teacher

    TV serious and music song will be my favorite

  • Tapiwa
    TapiwaCountry flag: bw
    Qualified Educator

    * English language lessons on radio * Listening to Television broadcasts * Attending online workshops on English teaching * Reading novels in English

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  • I would suggest watching English movies, podcasts and youtube but in addition listening to English music.

  • I usually watch news, movies and paly English music.

  • Like the other teachers I would suggest watching English movies, podcasts and youtube but in addition listening to English music. I know someone who learnt English so that they could understand the lyrics to the favourite English rock bands!

  • Watch movies with English subtitles Watch podcasts Watching you tube videos

  • My suggestions include: ~Watching Tv with English subtitles ~Watch YouTube videos to help you practice ~Listen to the radio ~Listen to Podcasts

  • There’s loads of great podcasts out there … and they’re FREE “ Fill your boots “ ( that’s an English slang saying ) 😀

  • Tee
    TeeCountry flag: za
    Certified ESL teacher

    I discuss interests and then suggest a podcast, movie or article related to that topic.

  • I believe CNN or BBC would be very helpful. News channels always use the most updated and currently-used version of the language. It will help in catching the ways a native speaker speaks English.

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