what are three things that motivates you to keep learning a language?

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Understanding a language gives you the impetus and confidence that you will be able to communicate with those who speak the language without a translator. In addition, learning a language shows that you are to acquire skills you did not have before. Lastly, learning a language connects you to new people and new friends.

  • The ability to be bilingual opens many doors and opportunities. Knowing another language makes you a more well rounded person. Lastly, you can make more friends and mates when you speak another language.

  • Fluent communication skills Beauty of drafting Migrate or work opportunities

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  • 1. A good communication 2. To boost self confidence 3. Migration

  • !. learning, the more you can understand the more you will learn. 2. Bonding with people, If you know the language you can bond with people around the world serving the purpose of your life. 3. Learning to love, Finding joy in helping.

  • it can be frustrating at times when you canโ€™t understand a language i think that motivates me also just sheer curiosity and wanting to excel and something thatโ€™s helpful to you pushes you to pursue learning it.

  • 1. To meet new people and be able to interact with them in their own language. 2. Travelling to other countries 3. I believe I am a linguist and I am good in languages so i would love to know more languages

  • My success is my motivation..We are all learning together with students and sometimes we can learn something from the students.So,my students are my motivation for keep learning :)

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