What are the most impactful strategies for teaching vocabulary acquisition in a language classroom?

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3 answers from our tutors

  • Well, for little kids and beginners, I make use of visual aids. Most time they don’t even know the meaning these words but through visual aids they can easily understand and get better understanding and even remember this word any time they come across that object. At every lesson, quick reminder of these words taught in previous classes are always very good, it makes them to get acquitted to these words and get used to them until it becomes permanent with them

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    •Word Wall. To help your students get more engaged in vocabulary development, you need to nurture word consciousness. ... •Word Box. Word Box is one of the strategies for teaching vocabulary. ... •Vocabulary notebooks. ... •Semantic mapping. ... •Word cards. ... •Word learning strategies.

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  • The most important thing about a student's vocabulary is not the size (how many words he can remember) but lexis. Lexis can best be described as knowing HOW to use vocabulary. Many students are taught by their non English-speaking English teachers that Native English speakers use long convoluted sentences with long words when they speak (a bit like the wording of this question!), this could not be further from the truth. This is vapidity and verbosity and both are signs of BAD English. Teachers must drill into their students that the vast majority of English words have more than one meaning, and that spoken English has a different lexis to written English. Once these fundamental rules have been thoroughly learnt, then vocabulary learnt in context is the only way to improve.

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