What are some of the most common myths about learning English?

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9 answers from our tutors

  • A lot of people think it's really simple but it can be rather tricky since we have a lot of words that sound similar to one another.

  • That you it will be difficult for you to learn english if you are already an adult.

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  • To my mind the most common myth is English contains difficult grammar (especially tenses). As for me tenses are based on logic and they are really simple and obvious

  • You are too old to learn English. Untrue you never to old to learn. You can only be fluent if you LIVE in an English speaking country untrue it does not make it necessarily easier. You can not speak English without a large vocabulary. If you spend half an hour each day you should reach your goal 😊

  • I think one of the main myths is 'I need to live in an English speaking country to be able to speak English properly'. Whilst this may have been the case in the past, we are now able to connect to English speakers all over the world from the comfort of your home! You can now practice your English skills wherever you are in the world and talk to a Native English speaker.

  • English tenses is very complicated and confusing part of grammar. In fact, English tenses are based on logic, clarity and desire to convey information

  • The most common thing (especially among Slovenian people) is English tenses is very complicated and confusing part of grammar. In fact, English tenses are based on logic, clarity and desire to convey information

  • Living in a native English speaking country to learn and know English is one of the most common myths.

  • First Myth is related English is " I m too old to learn English". remember no age limit is required to learn English. Second myth is " I need to live in English Country for speaking English". English is international language so English is required in all over the world. Third myth is " I need large vocabulary to speak English". without lot of English vocabulary you can speak English easily. Just try and work hard.

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