We have three kinds of clause. Adjective Adverbial noun clause Who can Explain it in a sentence

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A clause is basically any string of words with a VERB in it. Noun clauses behave like nouns: - I don't like the accident. ("the accident" is the noun / thing that I don't like.) - I don't like the fact that I got into an accident. ("the fact that I got into an accident" is the noun clause / thing that I don't like.) Adjective clauses are describing a noun: - I have a big house. ("big" is an adjective to "house".) - I have a house, which is big. ("which is big" is an adjective clause to "house"). Adverbial clauses are describing a verb usually, describing the manner of things: - I went to school slowly. ("slowly" is how you went to school). - I went to school after I got on the bus (additional info!)

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