Tutors, are you into more structured/serious teaching or are you about making lessons relaxed/fun?

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17 answers from our tutors

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Based on my own opinion we try as much as possible to balance the two inorder for us not to run out of materials and also to make our class environment lively and comfortable for our students.

  • Lessons should be relaxed but also structured so that students gain knowledge while also being comfortable

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  • As for me, having structure doesn't mean, that there is no fun. It's important to plan your lessons giving some time for fun, it gives a student an opportunity to get used to new information. Of course, sometimes you need to change the course of the lesson, depending on how your students feel. Chill lessons can be a good opportunity to improve speaking skills

  • Depends on the student. Some need a more relaxed atmosphere while others thrive on challenges. I like to be flexible but with underlying structure so that I remain the teacher.

  • Just relax and express yourself freely. This will create a friendly environment for you and the student.

  • I gave fun and relaxed lessons. Students would prefer that.

  • Well for me i prefer a more relaxed fun lessons based on the topic that we are talking about during the lesson and also a structured lesson. however, i can tell you that the best teaching methods depends on the student's learning style and the subject being taught. Some students learn better with a more structured approach while others prefer a more relaxed and fun approach. it's important to find the right balance between the two to ensure that the student is engaged and motivated while still learning effectively.

  • All work and no play makes jack a dull boy!

  • SIMO
    SIMOCountry flag: ma
    english teacher

    structered and we make fun lessons

  • I prefer relaxed fun lessons based on what comes up during our conversations. I believe learning in context provides the highest recall and retention. However, if a student seems to be struggling with their grammar, I introduce foundational lessons which are more structured.

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