Trust our brains or force our thoughts?

I think the human method is the we learn as an infant to speak our mother observation trial and error accompanied by a "teacher" praising your achievements and educating you on your errors. Instead of forcefeeding rules and Grammer in a do or die method?

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You know, the fact is that when we learn our mother tongue we have a strong intuition power and we don‘t learn a language, but we acquire it. later when we grow up, we start to learn, and because we have so many thoughts our intuition power decreases dramatically, and it takes years of meditation till we can improve our intuition power. I always say to my students if you feel what I taught you then my job is done. But we can’t change our students and we can’t explain to them how much intuition power is important, and I mean if you tell them to try to feel the lesson they don’t understand but I tell them because maybe one day they can feel it. but grammar(structure and context of use), and vocabulary needed to be memorized whether it be intuitively or by repeating and practice if we can explain the fact to them that the secret of reminding is that *it must be based on intuition* then we can help them to learn faster and more productive.

  • Hi, I argue for both sides, I believe both are mutually connected and dependent. Trusting our brains allows us to rely on our instincts, which can be valuable in certain situations. It can also allow us to become more confident in our decisions and actions, which can be important for achieving our goals and aspirations. However, it is also important to challenge and question our thoughts and beliefs, as this can help us think more critically and deeply about issues thus helping us make more informed decisions. Forcing our thoughts and actively challenging our beliefs can help us to consider multiple perspectives and to evaluate the evidence and arguments for and against different viewpoints. This can produce a more nuanced and balanced understanding of issues which can help us make more informed and rational decisions. I believe it is best to maintain a balance between trusting our brains and forcing our thoughts. I hope this makes some sense.

  • I totally agree with you. Being able to grow up and learn with you mother tongue is much easier than having to force feed all these different rules and grammar! Everything is trial and error when it comes to learning!

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  • I think, thoughts must be forced but with the brain in the background.

  • You're absolutely right and I agree! There's actually two terms for this method of learning; The Direct Method and the Grammar Translation Method. The DM focuses on teaching through pictures or sound and helps learners understand how to speak basic concepts, while letting any grammar go. The purpose is to let learners pick up grammar themselves later on. The GTM, however, focuses more on correct grammar and sentence structure and is used more to teach academic sides of the language. The DM is far more helpful in my humble opinion! Hope this helped!

  • I like to teach differently. I dislike too much grammar structure and rule. Although they have their place in language learning, I perfer it more when my students start understanding and applying grammar rules intuitively.

  • Season's greetings Carla. Even mother tongue is learnt as part of brain activity, and ultimately thoughts. When young children make errors with their tenses like "maked" instead of "made", it is a sign that they're following the Grammar rules which they have learnt via assimilation. Every language has grammatical and structural rules; there are fun ways of learning these. Remember, "a thing is first difficult, until it is easy."

  • The brain can sometimes be very tricky and makes you think different. I would say use your thoughts because that comes from the heart😊

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