There is one special title used frequently in business occasions in China, which is "总 zǒng".

There is one special title used frequently in business occasions in China, which is "总 zǒng". In this situation, "总 zǒng" means "cheaf" or "head". It is a short form general manager, chief director, CEO, CFO, president of a company, chairman of the board, etc. It is used after people last name. Sometimes, although the person is only in charge of a very small section in company, he/she would probably be happy if you address him/her with the title of "总 zǒng" . If you would like to learn more about Chinese language or Chinese culture, we can have a trial lesson first. Looking forward to meeting you in our classes! Thanks!

2 answers from our tutors

  • 中国喜欢称呼别人的职业称谓或学术称谓,表达对对方的尊敬。刘总、王总、张总…王老师、李老师…张律师、王律师,这些称呼都是高精尖的职业称谓,高职位、精英人才、行业尖端人士。又或许别人不是高精尖职业,我们也可这样称呼“姓名+总”以表达对对方的重视。

  • To simplify, “总” in business occasion usually refers to “boss”,and if you heard someone call the other one “Wang总”, it means that person is he/her’s boss and the surname is “Wang”

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