There are many teachers on this site but only a few indicate that they have done any lessons. Why?

How can I be certain that I will have lessons to teach?

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11 answers from our tutors

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It could be that some tutors are new and they've never been booked before. Like myself. I hope Imthis answers you.

  • I think you need to answer questions and have patience it's been a month and a week and still I haven't got a student.

  • well i am new hope will be busy here too like other online commitments...

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  • Good question, this is a relatively new company and many of us are teaching on other well known English language sites, the number of lessons given is certainly increasing, but it is a competitive market and there are thousands who offer or attempt to teach around the world. You should pick the best one for location, specialities and with references from satisfied students.

  • Crystal Cooper
    Crystal CooperCountry flag: us
    ESL Teacher

    Hello I have got lessons done it’s just a lot of students have a busy schedule!

  • Tutors get bookings based on the tutor a student likes. I've had students tell me they picked me because of my accent, because of the fact that I also speak Spanish, because they felt comfortable with me, and for other reasons. The website cannot guarantee that you'll get students. The website only facilitates the lessons for you. As a new tutor you can get the attention of protentional students by being on the platform a lot (the website indicates when was the last time you were on) you can go live and answer questions, you can adjust your time so that it's available for more students, and you can even consider lowering your prices.

  • Hello Conniegee, Don't worry about it. As soon as you are booked you will be immediately notified by the system, the platform administrators. They will require you to accept the lesson. Besides, it will appear in the 'My lessons' button where you will also be able to check the lessons after teaching them. Happy future lessons for you ;-)

  • The tutor cannot indicate how many lessons have been completed! LiveXP automatically records and indicates completed lessons. If no completed lessons are indicated it means no lessons were completed up to today.

  • and errrr hmmmm why do I have a sneaky suspicion that even the questions here in the Community questions section are posted by the admins? This one included, sadly.

  • most great experienced teachers get their students by word of mouth and certainly on a number of other teaching platforms. Alternatively we get hired by bigger businesses directly . This platform is rather weird and amateurish to say the least . The admins here are amateurs, regrettably though.

  • a teacher depends on the student that wants to learn,teaching and learning work together

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