The reason paper is white is because pores in its structure scatter light. My question is on details

1.🌷 Is there an omitting after ‘reason’ regarding to Noun Clause? 2.🌷Why ‘is’ used two times and which one is verb of the sentence? 3.🌷Why not use ‘to’ before ‘scatter’ even though scatter is a verb? Thank you…

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[The reason paper is white] = noun clause used as the subject [is] = the main verb of the sentence because = conjunction introducing a subordinate clause pores = subject of the subordinate clause in its structure = prepositional phrase modifying the subject scatter = verb of the subordinate clause light = direct object of the subordinate clause

  • 1. "that" is omitted after "the reason" 2. "the reason that paper is white " is a noun clause as the subject of the sentence. so the second "is" is the verb of the sentence. 3. "scatter" is a transitive verb in this sentence. It means that it needs an object , scatter something . like the verbs discuss, give, borrow.

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