The food is picked or dressed? What’s meaning of this sentence

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The question is a bit ambiguous, but i will try and explain it from all angles. ''The food is picked'' can literally mean gathering food from the field.It can also mean making a choice from a variety of foods.As in choosing one particular food over the others.Eating food in small pieces without enjoying it can also be used in that context. However, dressing food simply mean serving food in such a way that it is attractive enough to stimulate ones appetite. Garnishing can be used in place of dressing.

  • The food is picked. -> We describe a process of gathering specific types of vegetables / plants / fruit collected directly from the fields / trees in order to be stored or consumed by people or animals. The food is dressed. -> We describe a process of preparing food which can be made in a specific way that is attractive and tasty for us to be consumed.

  • Hi I suppose you mean make food more tempting adding precious spices, oil , vinegar or salt. Picked could refer arranged in tray and served Best Regards

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  • In my opinion food is picked then dressed. First,Food picking is when the food is gathered from the field. Food dressing is the actual preparation of the food.Hope this help. Thank you.

  • Hello! The sentence "The food is picked or dressed?" seems to be a bit ambiguous without additional context. However, I can provide interpretations for both possibilities: 1. If "picked" refers to the process of harvesting or gathering food, and "dressed" refers to the preparation or seasoning of food, the sentence might be asking about the stage of preparation. For example, is the food in its raw, harvested state, or has it undergone some form of culinary preparation? 2. Alternatively, if "picked" and "dressed" are used metaphorically, the sentence could be inquiring about choices or preferences. It might be asking whether the person prefers food in its natural state (picked) or with added flavors and seasonings (dressed).

  • The meaning of this sentence is ‘The food has been picked out/selected. As for dressed, when you dress food that is usually when you season it or prepare it

  • the food you choose is picked the food garnished eating with your eyes before picking it is dressed.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    ●Picked food means: to eat only a small amount of your food, showing no interest or enjoyment while you eat it: Charles picked at his food in a bored fashion. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples. ●Dressed food means: The verb dress has been used since at least the 1300s to mean to prepare a food for cooking, often especially a bird (or other meat). It can also mean to season a dish, leading to the sense of the noun dressing that's used in the term salad dressing

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