Teachers, what methods do you employ to assess student understanding &adjust your teaching approach?

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As a teacher in school, I conduct periodic assessment on the topics covered. This is done by preparing questions and the students are allocated time to complete their assessment or test. Grades are also given at the end of the assessment. Usually, from the 1st assessment I can know the weakness of a student and pay more attention to his vocabulary or spelling . As for on-line students, I give an entry grammar test to find the level the student is. Sometimes, an adult will lack grammar or pronunciation skills from a country where English is not the main language of communication. In this way, I will adjust the lessons to suit the student.

  • I use the Multiple Choice Method to assess student understanding, I believe that it assist with reminding the students of what they were thought.

  • Asking questions, having revision and speaking can be helpful.

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  • Usually I ask some questions (using different grammar) and thus I see what they understand. Sometimes quzies are really helpful but there is also an element of likelihood so I don't fully trust them. So the best approach is a combination of speaking and testing

  • understanding throughout the lesson classroom discussions, quizzes and tests, homework asssignments, projects, formative assessment,etc

  • Student centered lessons allow teachers to give student for maximum time in a lesson for them to engage and also give positive feedback on how the lesson felt for them. CCQ ( concept checking questions) and ICQ (instruction checking questions) allow for teachers to assess students understanding throughout the lesson.

  • You can assess students understanding through classroom discussions, quizzes and tests, homework asssignments, projects, formative assessment,etc

  • One popular method is formative assessment,which involves collecting on going information about students' learning using information to inform future instruction. Also teachers can use summative assessment, which involves giving students tests at the end of a topic to evaluate their learning.l

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