Students, what made you progress faster with your learning capabilities? 😊

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4 answers from our tutors

  • Consistent practice, engaging with diverse learning resources, seeking help when needed, and staying curious have been key factors in accelerating my learning. Embracing challenges and maintaining a positive mindset played crucial roles in my progress.

  • After a lesson, review the material and simplify the information. Also find alternative ways to relay information by maybe using props and social media

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  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Change your practice technique each day. Doing the exact same thing every day can make your brain fall into a routine. Instead, speed up your study session or add a slight variation, such as playing a learning game or upping the difficulty, so it challenges you in a different way.πŸŒπŸ‘Œ

  • Self determination

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