Question to students: how many times a week will you put into learning English each week?

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5 answers from our tutors

  • This is a very good question, and I hope that this will encourage students to book more frequent lesson.

  • i would put in my schedule of learning English depending on my ability to use the language. For instance , someone who needs to learn the language from it's letters would learn it differently from someone who just wants to improve their writting skills

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  • I usually encourage my students to read 2 pages of an English book a day or tell them to watch 10- 20 mins a day of something in English (with subtitles depending on their level) and then steadily increase it

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Hi, A beginner can learn English in a year. That’s pretty fast, although not as fast as some of the crazy 15-day promises you see online. Specifically, a year is the average amount of time it will take an adult to become fluent enough to work in English if he starts out as a beginner and studies at least 5 hours a day. But everyone is different. How long it will take you to learn English depends on many things: Your current level of English The level of English you need (Hint: for most people, upper intermediate is enough) Which languages you already speak If you’re living in an English-speaking country How hard you study How much you practice How good you are at learning languages

  • At least 5 hours a week for a starter, this can be increased later

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