Live xp gives a huge opportunity to International tutors that are teaching English
Being a non native English tutor Livexp gives you the opportunity to teach English and your native language to a huge international students community that can choose to learn English from a non native tha speaks his language. I have experience with portugues and Spanish native to teach them English knowing their language. Big Opportunity!
6 answers from our tutors
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Couldn't agree more. It facilitated the English learning process for students from all over the wold with different goals and conditions.
- Robert PickacardRobert Pickacard Certified English Teacher / Professional Magician
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I'm grateful I have a student here and continously books a class with me. Being a Non Native teacher of English and being a teacher in a classroom setting in S. Korea opens a door of oppurtunities to help other learn a new language. Thanks LiveXp😊
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Start testTrue, it is a great platform for students to learn English and opportunity for tutors to connect with students as they continue to pursue their passion for teaching.
I Agree and Hopefully i can get my first student here livexp hopefully.
I can say this is true because, English is an international language and almost everyone wants to know or speak it.Therefore you find out that the English teachers are so many than other languages. Livexp gives them opportunity due to high demand or according to the rise of the students.