Lend and borrow

What is the difference between lend and borrow?

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When you lend something it means giving something with the intention of getting it back. When you borrow something it means taking something with the intention of giving it back.

  • When you lend someone, it means that you are the person who gave something to someone to be used for a certain period of time. If you are the one who is borrowing, it means you are the one who is liable to return something to someone.

  • In summary, "lend" refers to the action of giving something temporarily, while "borrow" refers to the act of receiving or taking something temporarily. The lender is the one who gives, and the borrower is the one who receives.

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  • " Lend" relates to providing something, while " Borrow" relates to receiving something from someone else.

  • lend: is a verb used when someone gives something to another person for a temporary period, with the expectation that it will be returned and the person who provides the item or money is the lender. for example: I will lend you money next week. Borrow: this is verb used when someone takes or receives something from another person for a temporary period, with the intention o returning it later. the person who recieves the item or money is the borrower. for example: can i borrow your book for a moment. so in conclusion when you lend something, you are giving it to somone temporarily and when you borrow something, you are taking something from someone temporarily. the lender is the one who provides, and the borrower is the one who receives.

  • We use lend when we want to give something to someone, while we use borrow when we want someone to give us something. For example, I have a car, and you need one. So, I can lend you my car, or you can borrow my car.

  • The receiver borrows and the giver lend.

  • Borrow when you take smth for some time and lend when you give smth

  • They are both VERBS (action words). However, their usage is determined by the person performing the action. The person issuing out the money (or whatever item) LENDS while the person receiving it BORROWS

  • Borrow means you want to take something that belongs to someone else , while lend means that you temporarily giving an item to someone

  • anchen
    anchenCountry flag: za
    Mom Anchen

    Lend means to give something to someone to be used for a period of time and then returned. Borrow means to take and use something that belongs to someone else for a period of time and then return it. The person lending something owns it and is letting someone else use it.

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