Certified ESL teacher with an interactive fun-filled tutoring style
Was online last yearTeachesEnglishSpeaksEnglishSpecialtiesTalk with peopleLearn basicsImprove proficiencyInterests
Foreign cultures
My name is Kayode but my friends and students call me Kay. I am a Nigerian with TEFL/TESOL to teach English Language and I have been doing that for over three years now as part-time work/extra-curricular activity besides working as Chief Editor at a Campus Radio Station. My students cut across diverse cultures and age groups. I enjoy interacting and helping students attain a mastery of listening, understanding and speaking English language. My hobbies include watching movies and football (soccer). My favorite genre of music is Reggae
I have taught online with numerous companies as well as in-person. My students include young secondary school pupils as well as adults in various professional fields. My teaching experience spans over three years and I have a TEFL/TESOL certificate
I encourage students to express themselves as much as possible during class and let them know it is okay to make mistakes and not beat themselves up over doing so as their mistakes enable me to know the areas to focus on during the teaching process