Is it possible for a scientist to bias a scientific study?

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  • It could happen if the scientist is not affiliated with a trustworthy institution, for example any research done by a scientist from John Hopkins University would be authentic however if the study was carried out by an institution that lacks credible sources, then it could be possible for it to be biased by the scientists that carried it out.

  • Yes, that's called receptive bilingualism or receptive multilingualism. It's when someone can understand a language but not speak it. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as being exposed to the language without formal instruction, having a speech or language disorder, or having a brain injury. Some people with receptive bilingualism can eventually develop the ability to speak the language through practice and exposure. But others may never develop the ability to speak it, even if they can understand it perfectly.

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  • Yes, that's called receptive bilingualism or receptive multilingualism. It's when someone can understand a language but not speak it. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as being exposed to the language without formal instruction, having a speech or language disorder, or having a brain injury. Some people with receptive bilingualism can eventually develop the ability to speak the language through practice and exposure. But others may never develop the ability to speak it, even if they can understand it perfectly.

  • Yes, it is possible for a scientist to bias a scientific study.It can occur at various stages of the research process, it can be unintentional or deliberate

  • For sure! You can find a bid in everything

  • Absolutely It's known as researcher bias, and it's a real and common problem in the scientific community. It can happen when a scientist has a preconceived idea about the outcome of their study, or when they have a vested interest in the results. This can lead to biased data collection, analysis, and interpretation, which can ultimately skew the results of the study. It's important for scientists to be aware of this bias and to take steps to minimize it, such as using a control group or blinding their data analysis.

  • When bias occurs, a study' s result may not represent phenomena in the real world. Results can't be true for all situations equally and then the study will suffer the consequences of this

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