Is it correct esthetics or aesthetics?

Is "esthetics" the same as "aesthetics"? Can I use them interchangeably?

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  • Aesthetics is correct.

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  • Aesthetics is the correct form of word

  • Which is correct- esthetics or aesthetics? Most people would probably say aesthetics, but according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, both forms are correct. In fact, the dictionary lists esthetics as the preferred spelling in North America, while aesthetics is the preferred spelling outside of North America. So if you're ever in doubt about which spelling to use, just remember which side of the Atlantic Ocean you're on. But whether you spell it esthetics or aesthetics, one thing is for sure- it's a lot easier to say than orthodontics.

  • Aesthetics and esthetics are two terms frequently used to discuss ideas such as beauty and taste. Aesthetic is used in British English whereas, Esthetics is used in American English.

  • Aesthetic (n.) = British spelling Esthetic (n.) = American spelling There is no difference in meaning as they both mean something is beautiful, visually appealing, stylish, etc. We can use it in reference to fashion, art, cars, houses, architecture, etc. Anything that has beauty, style, or artistic value can have an aesthetic. Ex. "I love the aesthetic of this house. The furniture and decorations are beautiful." Ex. "The esthetic of her clothes is simple and classic." There is a small difference if we are using the word to describe a person. Aesthetician (n.) Esthetician (n.) Usually, an aesthetician performs medical-related cosmetic procedures such as laser hair removal. Their field is called 'medical aesthetics'. They often work closely with the dermatology field. An esthetician will perform less invasive procedures such as waxing or facials.

  • The only notable difference between those two words is that AESTHETIC is the word used in British English, whereas ESTHETICS is the word used in American English.

  • Both are the same.

  • Hi Columbus, the definition of esthetics is a another spelling of aesthetic, which is the pleasant or artistic appearance of something, or how something feels. EXAMPLE--- when a piece of at evokes evokes tranquility and beauty. " Her artwork has much aesthetics to modern art" Hope this has been helpful Columbus:)

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