Is a foreign TV show which is subtitled helpful or does reading distract you from what is spoken?

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I have lived in several countries and if I can I like to use the subtitles if they are available.

  • Gugu
    GuguCountry flag: za
    Certified Esl teacher

    Reading subtitles is helpful. It helps with pronunciation.

  • I support the use of subtitles at the beginning stages of learning a new language. Having no subtitles when you barely know the language would make it more difficult to understand. When you’re reading subtitles, you are still being exposed to the spoken language which will help develop proficiency, pronunciation and context. At the same time, even when not learning the language, subtitles are a great way to be able to enjoy some amazing TV shows in other languages that you wouldn’t have otherwise been able to experience.

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  • Distraction can be controlled by choosing not to pay attention to the TV. Reading can distract a person from what is spoken depending on the level of concentration when reading.

  • For A1 levels it can be useful at first, after a while student can watch them without subtitle.

  • It's helpful if you want to learn new vocabulary. If you want to improve your listening skills, try to watch without subtitles.

  • Very helpful as you are seeing the words and hearing the correct pronunciation

  • It’s actually very helpful! It helps with grasping the language, slang, and even having better multitasking skills to read and translate!

  • I love Korean series but do find that I have to rewind because I missed the subtitle, and most times the English is not correct and you have to figure it out. For me not helpful

  • It is even more helpful if you try repeating the phrases in English while you listen to it.

  • My experience with this method is entirely positive. It helped me improve my Spanish.

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