In biblical Hebrew grammar, is 'eloheinu' a suffixed form of 'elohim' or of 'eloha' or of both?

Grace to you. I need your help. My research has shown that in Deut 6:4, the word used is eloheinu which is a suffixed form of a noun, meaning our God(s). My question is, is eloheinu the suffixed from of 'elohim' only or if eloheinu the suffixed form of both elohim and eloha? Sounds to me that eloheinu could be from both eloha and elohim (singular and plural). If you have no insight on this, could you kindly seek some answers from the Hebrew brethren you are connected to? Happy Sabbath, Rowan.---

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1 answer from our tutor

  • Meir
    MeirCountry flag: il
    Hebrew teacher

    All the names you brought that describe God have the same meaning, the difference between them is the relationship to the speaker, whether the speaker is singular or plural, etc. I am very well versed in biblical Hebrew, welcome to the class with pleasure

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