I'm sorry to bother you, or I'm sorry for bothering you?

Hi! Help me please to understand which variant is the correct one.

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Hello ,and thank you for asking. " I'm sorry for bothering you " the apology took place after the action of 'bothering" has finished . Whereas ,"I'm sorry to bother you" , the action is going to happen and you are starting with the apology before the action of 'bothering ' takes place . Happy learning.

  • I'm sorry for bothering you

  • It's correct, it's simple present tense, and also Present continuous tense... If it is having ing with the last verb it's present continuous tense..

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  • Both can be used but on different occasions. Sorry to bother you should be used at the beginning of the conversation and sorry for bothering you should be used at the end of the conversation.

  • Both arw the correct, it depends on which situatuion you are using it. "I am aorry for bothering you" is normally using after the action has already finished, whereas "I am sorry to bother you" is being used when the action will take place. If you have more questions, like this one, you can book a lesson with me Have a nice day!

  • Both are correct but it would depend on how and when the action was done. If you caused a distraction or any disturbance to someone you may say the second one "I'm sorry for bothering you", and the first one "I'm sorry to bother you" if you are about to do something which may cause a delay for someone's time.

  • Hello. Both expressions can be used depending on when you are using the expression. It is being said in form of an apology so "Sorry to bother you" can be used before the interruption. Whereas, "Sorry for bothering you" maybe used after the interruption. Hope this answers your question. Feel free to ask more.

  • Both expressions are acceptable. For me, its a question of when you’re speaking. I’m more comfortable saying the 1st to start a conversation whereas I’d the 2nd sometime after the conversation has already begun. Still, an experienced speaker could use both expressions quite comfortably.

  • A better word for sorry in this case is apologise or apologize depending if you are using British or American English. You may use the phrase "pardon me" as well depending on the situation or who you are addressing.

  • I am sorry for bothering you. This statement is correct. You can’t be sorry for something you haven’t yet done.

  • When you are about to bother someone/inquire about something, the form to use is “I’m sorry to bother you”. E.g. I’m so sorry to bother you, but would you have the time? When you are apologising for any bother you have caused then you should use “I’m sorry for bothering you”. E.g. Thank you so much, you’ve been of great help, and sorry again for bothering you!

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