Idioms, Phrases and Proverbs

What is the difference in the 3 words, also give an example of each. Identify the ones below. Make hay while the sun shines. He or she is a wallflower. Spare the rod and save the child.

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IDIOMS - group of words with different meanings from the actual words, eg. "It is raining cats and dogs." Are cats and dogs actually falling from the sky? no, it just means very heavy rain. The meaning is not literal. For example: It is raining cats and dogs I can't go out today. PHRASE - group of words that makes sense by itself but does not have a subject or verb. Therefore, it is usually used as part of a sentence. Eg. "Sick and tired" - sentence: I am sick and tired of school. This means, I hate school, I can't stand school. PROVERB - short popular saying that usually has some truth or useful thought or some life lessons. For example: "All that glitters is not gold." This means something or a situation may not be as good as it looks or seem. Eg. I purchased this beautiful dress, but the color changed in a week,all that glitters is not gold. Make hay while the sun shine (proverb/idiom He or she is a wallflower (idiom) Spare the rod and save/spoil the child(proverb)

  • Please ask your questions in parts. It will increase no. of your questions as well as others' as answered. Idioms: a group of words which give some other meanings rather than their actual meanings. Phrases: group of words used as a conceptual unit. Proverbs: a short and well known saying having an advice in it.

  • A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deductible from those individual words, according to google. For me idioms are statements used to communicate a different meaning. E.g kill two birds with one stone. Phrase simply are groups of words that works together in a sentence. Example I waited for a while. Proverb Short words or statement used in communicating truth or advice Examples: The way you lay your bed is the way you will lie on it.

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