Idiomatic Expression.
What is the meaning of the Idiom ‘Pennies on the Dollar’? Also use it in a sentence.
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It take a 100 pennies to equal a dollar! Dollar is a basic unit of money in the US; whether in the form of paper money or coin.
It means "a small amount of money". sentence example: They are no trading for pennies on the dollar.
Pennies on a dollar is used to mean something cheaper than it should be. Ex.: The artist sold his art for pennies on the dollar.
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Start testIt means something costs a lot less than it did originally Example I sold my house for pennies on dollar Which means I sold it less than its real cost
"Pennies on the dollar" is an idiomatic expression that refers to purchasing something for a significantly lower price than its actual value. For example, if someone buys a piece of real estate worth $100,000 for only $10,000, they are said to have bought it for "pennies on the dollar". This typically happens in situations where the seller needs to liquidate their assets quickly, and the buyer is able to negotiate a steep discount in exchange for a quick sale.
It refers to a situation where someone pays very little for something that is worth much more than what they paid. For example, if a person buys a car for $500 that is worth $5000, they have paid pennies on the dollar for the car. Sentence: She was able to buy a beautiful antique necklace for pennies on the dollar at the estate sale.
A small amount of money. Less than one would expect. E.g.: The books cost me hundreds of dollars, and I was being offered pennies on the dollar. (I was being offered much less money than I'd expect)