How to say high five in Chinese
Zhang weihong
1 answer from our tutor
Other student questions
- What's a best textbook for you،and what tips you can give for using one?
Best answer
There are a lot of textbooks. Flying colors may be useful. There is a lot of content to read. Reading is essential. No matter if you do not know the meaning of all the words. The more you read , the more you internalize. And of course, the more reading alud the more you listen to yourself. The result is self-confidence.
- As teachers do you also get attached to certain students during like school break andHHannah
Best answer
I don’t fully understand what you mean by “get attached”. However, during school breaks a teacher might share a few learning tips and provide a few extra exercises aimed to boost fluency or any other area that the student needs to work on. I personally make myself available to learners at anytime providing that they’re willing to pull their weight.