How is it possible that one is able to do something but unable to explain how they do it?

There are people who are unable to explain what they do for a living but they are good at the work they do. I'm thinking maybe earlier in their schooling years they experienced challenges when it came to theory at then it was later discovered that they are good at practical. I'm wondering would it be fair to call this type of person Inarticulate?

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Calling them inarticulate wouldn't be appropriate, realizing that they are better in what they do than explain the process. Other people are opposite. It's just a matter of aptitude endowment and differences in personality and interest.

  • In my times, people use to say then: "Who KNOW DO then, Who DON'T KNOW TEACH". Many working processes, are learned on a physical, and sensorial level, specifically the manual works and, explain how those tasks are achieved, is like trying to explain colors to a blind person. Even my grands, always told us, One trial, weight more then thousands of spoken words. I hope then, my answer help you in the understanding.

  • It depends on how you are able to remember the process through which you got to the level of success. If your memory is poor, you are highly unlikely to remember the process and explain it.

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  • One of the primitive ways of expressing is through action. That is why action is considered as a universal language. When the human brain processes an idea, it is natural to manifest the very same idea through action but it takes a while to be able to explain it. We can observe that phenomenon in infants. It is actually a skill to be able to interpret your brain using words, that is language. This is why we learn languages.

  • Have you ever asked such a person the question, How do you know how to do this or what to do, and they answer, I just know, dont know how but I just do it? I say that they are geniuses

  • Inarticulate: Incapable of giving coherent, clear, or effective expression to one's ideas or feelings. :incapable of speech especially under stress or emotion.

  • Inarticulate: Incapable of giving coherent, clear, or effective expression to one's ideas or feelings. :incapable of speech especially under stress or emotion. Above is the meaning of inarticulate. If you can understand my question you are welcome to respond. Thank you.

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