How important do you think it is to practice speaking with native English speakers?

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6 answers from our tutors

  • Although speaking with native speakers is beneficial, it is not absolutely necessary. You can learn speaking English very well even if you study with a non-native English teacher. As long as your pronunciation is comprehensible, even with a slight accent from your mother tongue, you will be able to communicate. Think about this: English is lingua franca, therefore, there are more non-native speakers of English in the world than native speakers of English and they all communicate successfully.

  • It's the most important and the best thing you can do. You will never speak English properly if you use an app or study an English textbook. You have already learnt a language by listening and speaking to native speakers....YOUR OWN LANGUAGE! So, why do you think English is any different? It isn't! Book a lesson and let's get talking.

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  • Practice makes perfect - the more you practice speaking with a native English tutor, the more confidence you will gain with speaking English yourself. If you find the right tutor, who will put you at your ease and find topics and lessons to work on that interest you, the easier your lessons will feel. Good luck! :)

  • Hi You can learning a language just speaking with native like children do Best Regards

  • it’s very important you actively seek getting that experience. I myself am a native speaker, and I’ve met many people I’ve been able to help with accents and pronunciation because I can hear where they mess up

  • It is really helpful and practical in a way you can learn many new vocabularies or they way they pronounce the words. You can see in what situations they use some certain phrases or vocabularies.

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