How far does utelizing the 21st century skills in class affect positively on learners' behaviour ?

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The 21st century tools are a great set of items to use in the classroom to engage student learning. This is because students can utilize the internet for classes and duscussions with the tools available on teaching platforms. Students can do research on ICT devices and improve their knowledge in subject areas. In the 21st century there is also the communicative approach to learning languages; wherein students can communicate effectively and deliver meaningful messages that are able to be understood by the receiver. There is also the result of work life balance for learner who work due to the 21st century tools. There is also online lesson management systems where you can upload the student's grades and reports for them to access and it can be shared electronically. In addition, one can now access the globe through globalization which is enabled by these tools. Hence, the barriers of travel is no longer a problem in the 21st century. For instance, I can be at my home country and teach.

  • Learners can use these skills in the workplace. Teaching English is helping them communicate. They can collaborate with you as a teacher and other learners in the classroom. They can get creative when they create new information. e.g sentences. Critical Thinking occurs when they can find information and analyze the it.

  • Utilizing 21st-century skills in the classroom, along with modern technology and tools, significantly enhances learners' behavior. These skills encourage critical thinking, communication, and collaboration while technology provides an array of resources, from online research to educational apps, enabling more interactive and personalized learning experiences. As students become proficient in digital literacy, they not only engage more actively in their education but also develop the ability to navigate and harness the vast information landscape of the 21st century. This combination of skills and technology motivates students, fosters their responsibility, and equips them to tackle real-world challenges with confidence.

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