How do you incorporate technology into your teaching to enhance student learning?

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by doing powerpoints, google meet, showing google pictures and having the student describe what they see, 1:1 video chat conversations and more of the sort

  • David Norris
    David NorrisCountry flag: gb

    Well I have my own website (and another service) where I put material online. It means that it is available anywhere at any time. And I can provide it even when not at my desk.

  • To learn English you don't need Powerpoint, you don't need anything except to your creativity and your ability to inspire your student to want to do more. Marco Polo learnt Chinese 800 years ago with out any technology, and so can you!

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  • PowerPoint,zoom,google meet,YouTube,screenshare,different games, Videos,songs,online dlash cards,pdf and Ai.

  • I plan to incorporate technology by utilizing the various Zoom features to best accommodate my student’s learning needs! This includes but is not limited to utilizing Powerpoint, Whiteboard, etc.

  • I integrate technology by using interactive online platforms, multimedia resources, virtual simulations, and collaborative tools to engage students, promote active learning, and facilitate a deeper understanding of concepts.

  • There are ample ways to incorporate technology into your teaching to enhance student learning: 1. Use multimedia resources. 2. Utilize virtual classrooms. 3. Encourage collaboration using online tools. 4. Use interactive assessments. 5. Incorporate a learning management system. 6. Incorporate educational games and gamification. 7. Use the flipped classroom approach. It is crucial to provide clear instructions and always ensure accessibility.

  • Hi I generally use kahoot, share videos and podcasts Best Regards

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Technology provides instant accessibility to information, which is why its presence in the classroom is so vital. Smart phones, computers, and tablets are already an omnipresent element of everyday life for students and teachers alike. It’s only natural that the use of technological devices in the classroom are explored to create meaningful learning experiences for students of all ages. Utilizing different types of technology in the classroom, including a virtual classroom, creates learners who are actively engaged with learning objectives. The implementation of technology also creates pathways for differentiated instruction to meet the unique needs of students as individual learners within a broader classroom climate. •Power Points and Games. ... •Internet Homework Assignments. ... •Online grading Systems. ... •Classroom Tablets. ... •Listserv. ... •Keeping students engaged. ... •Helps students with different learning styles. ... •Prepare students with life skills.

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