How do you improve your vocabulary in English?

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Hello David, improving your vocabulary in English is a gradual process that requires consistent effort and practice. There are some activities that you can do such as read regularly (just topics that interest you to keep yourself engaged), read the sentences or passages when you words are used, and try to infer their meanings from the context, learn a new word everyday (use it in sentences to reinforce your understanding and retention), create flashcards, play word games (scrabble, crossword puzzles, our online for vocabulary games) and watch movies and TV shows, listen to podcasts or or audiobooks in English. Hope it helps ☺️ :)

  • Gugu
    GuguCountry flag: za
    Certified Esl teacher

    To improve your vocabulary you need to speak English constantly. Also read a lot of English books and watch movies with English subtitles.

  • A good way to improve your vocabulary in any language is to read a lot of different types of text (books, news articles, etc) or watch movies/TV shows with subtitles in that language. When you come across new words, write them down, try to learn how to use them in different contexts, and study them. Speaking with others helps to consolidate what you've learned.

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  • When and if the student is ready expand the depth of your conversations but try not to make the lesson too boring with jargon, keep alive the interest in the topic.

  • Hi, There are many strategies to learn new vocabularies. 6 minutes English podcast, learn dictionary and read. Best Regards

  • Read books and magazines, listen to podcasts and watch series. You can get lots of nice words and expressions from song lyrics as well!! So listen to the music and try to understand the lyrics, when sth is unclear, you can even check the lyrics online and then sing along song that u really like! It will be very helpful))

  • Read, read, read. When you read, you learn new words, but you also see how the langauge is used. If you come across a new word, first see if you can’t find its meaning in the context (often authors give use clues to their meaning in context)-then look it up in a dictionary. Use it in a sentence of your own. Listen to podcasts, songs and interviews to expand. Play word games. Get a teacher to help you.

  • Hello David. Read books, news papers and etc. The best way to learn a language is by immersion - spending time completely surrounded by that language. Write down new words. The act of writing the words helps you remember them better. Plus, lots people learn better when the see things written on paper, rather than just hearing them.

  • I read novels

  • Some tips for improving your vocabulary; 1. Write down new words learnt and find the synonym and antonyms of each. 2. Use words learnt in your daily conversations/interactions where possible. 3. Listen to audio - books, songs and watch movies. 4. Create an academic diary/journal and write an entry each day. The above tips should help!

  • Hello! I agree with Faith Pearl, but I would also add — listen to songs in English! It’s a great way to improve your vocabulary because once you look up the meaning of the new words, you can continue listening to the song, and the rhythm and repetitiveness will help to memorise it better.

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