How do you explain the difference between Make and Do to an A2 student in simple terms?
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Make is usually to create something new. For example I AM MAKING A SANDWICH. While on the other hand DO perform or carry out an action. We do for action tasks Example I AM DOING HOMEWORK. I will use visuals to show/ demonstrate the actions. Practice with fill in the gaps exercises.
I would give examples with these verbs, which are relevant to a student's daily life. It would help to understand how to use these verbs in real life.
Make is when you create something mostly from scratch like you make a sandwich while do is performing an action like Do the dishes
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Start testSimply put, "DO" is about taking action or completing a task, while "MAKE" is focused on the creation or building of something. E.g. - I do my assignments promptly. - I make a report every week.
- Lentsoe NeteCertificated TEFl English Tutor
Do it's acting verb while make simply means creating, manufacturing or producing something.
“do” is a verb used for actions or tasks, whereas “make” simply means creating or producing something.