How can teachers effectively differentiate instruction to accommodate diverse language proficiency l

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4 answers from our tutors

  • Assess the language proficiency levels of students: before differentiating instruction, it is important for teachers to assess the language proficiency levels of their students. This can be done through informal assessments, such as observations and conversations, or formal assessments, such as standardized test or language proficiency exam.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    To differentiate instruction effectively, teachers should identify students' readiness levels, modify the instructional content, process, and product, and enhance both collaborative learning and autonomous learning  ●Offer students options to choose from in assignments or lesson plans. ●Provide multiple texts and types of learning materials. ●Utilize a variety of personalized learning methods and student assessments. ●Customize teaching to suit multiple forms of intelligence.

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  • Aim the lesson towards the mid-range students. Be sure to have some extra work for the higher learners who will likely finish first. Give special attention to the lower learners, maybe have your teaching assistant stay close to be sure they are understanding the lesson,

  • The Teacher must first of all assess the student's level of English. This is an absolute must. So how do you do that? By asking the student to complete a placement test. Every aspect of English is covered by such a test. Weak areas as well as strengths are highlighted, giving the teacher the ability to draw up an appropriate strategy to improve the student's English all round. Without doing the placement test the teacher will not have a clear idea about the areas that need to focused on, and the student will not make any progress.

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