How can I use "the" + "nouns" to form sentences like this one I recently read: The insight this

The insight this has helped her see the difference between x and y. I know the meaning of "the insight this" it's like: Understanding this.. but how and when can I use this structure? Thanks

18 answers from our tutors

Best answer

Using both "the" and "this" in this sentence is the problem. You can either say, " The insight has helped her see the difference between x and y . " Or better rephrase the sentence " She has insight into seeing the difference between x and y. "

  • You can write the sentence in the following ways: 1. USE THE WORD "OF", The insight of this has helped her see the differences between X and Y. 2. IF YOU DON'T USE THE WORD "OF", You should write it as: The insight has helped her see the differences between X and Y. OR This insight has helped her see the differences between X and Y. I guess you are Spanish, so: Note: "The" is like "el, la, los, las" in Spanish. ==> The book = El libro.

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  • A sort of adjective , articles are used before nouns or their counterparts. Before a noun, the article "the" is used to show that the reader is aware of the world's identity. You can reconstruct the sentence like this: "The insight has helped her see the dfference between x and y". Refrain the use of "this" in the sentence for it to be more understandable.

  • Your sentence structure is great, you only need remove "this" for it to be perfect.

  • I have an insight of what caused the accident. (Not certain or specific) Please give me the insight on how I failed the test. (Specific

  • The sentence you are trying to communicate: "The insight this has helped her see the difference between x and y." You are very close to understanding the sentence and getting it correct - well done. The word "this" would not work in this sentence. Let me show you a few ways in which to rewrite this sentence 1. The insight has helped her see the difference between x and y. 2. The insight helped her see the difference between x and y. I hope this helped, have a great day!

  • You can say I recently read the one , it's not possible to use'' the" in your given structure. Thank you

  • The sentence you have used as a example was not structured correctly. It's should read "This insight has helped her see the difference between x and y." You can also say "The insight has helped her see the difference between a and y."

  • Good morning, Emilio. My first comment is that the example sentence you provided hasn't been written correctly. 'This' should be removed completely, or it could replace 'the' at the beginning of the sentence, and it should then read 'The/This insight has helped her see the difference between x and y.' My second comment is a recommendation that you have a lesson focussed on using determiners (e.g. a, the, and this), or you could simply do some worksheet exercises to help you get used to using determiners in sentences and sentence structures in general.

  • The is a definite article used before a singular and plural nouns, example: the tree, the boys etc., when the noun is been use to specify the object we want to talk about. Example: The cat ate all the food. In this scenario, we are making a statement about a specific cat who ate all the food as well as the food the cat ate.

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