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Hi According Oxford Dictionary it is a French word that means movements of your hand that are done with skill so that other people cannot see them. Best Regards
Legerdemain is a word used when performing conjuring tricks. The magician's legerdemain was so impressive that the audience was left wondering how he made the rabbit disappear from the hat.
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Start testLegerdemain it's a borrowed word from frence taht means tricky, deception. Eg the magician used his legerdemain to trick them off their money.
"Legerdemain" refers to skillful use of one's hands when performing magic tricks, or more broadly, to any kind of skillful deception or manipulation. For example, a stage magician might use legerdemain to make objects appear or disappear seemingly out of thin air. In the business world, a skilled negotiator might use legerdemain to persuade others to agree to terms that seem unreasonable at first glance. Overall, legerdemain is often associated with cleverness and trickery used to achieve a desired outcome.
He’s performance on stage was a remarkable display of legerdemain
The use of skillful tricks and deceptions to produce entertainingly baffling effects. Movements of your hand that are done with skill so that other people cannot see them some examples are conjuration, magic,prestidigitation, sleight of hand. The psychic uses legerdemain to convince people she is talking to their dead loved ones.
A common trick of legerdemain is to take a rabbit out from an apparently empty hat.