Hi students! What is the most challenging part of your English Learning Process?

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Learning English can be very scary, simply because it would be a foreign language and as a result a student can get very scared and their self esteem would go down, so what is needed in a teacher is patience, understanding, motivation, encouragement, praise and a smile goes a long way even though a student has said some few incorrect vocabularies, level of trust is gained when a teacher is understanding and does not judge the student then a teacher student relationship can develop and then a student will at the end will be fluent in English speaking.

  • 1.Listening comprehension: Understanding spoken English, especially in fast-paced conversations or with different accents, can be challenging. Native speakers often use idioms, colloquialisms, and informal language, making it harder for learners to follow. 2. Grammar: English grammar has many rules, exceptions, and complex sentence structures. Understanding and applying grammar rules correctly can be a significant challenge for learning.

  • The most difficult part of learning English is the pronunciation

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  • The most difficult part of learning English , would be grammar, (vocabulary) , phonetics (sounding out of words) and to identify the vowel sounds . For example listening , reading and writing. That is why we test students with the following assessment. 1 - Placement test - to test what level of the english language does the student know and understand. 2 - The Diagnostic test - To identify what level of the English language the student is proficient in . 3 - Progress and end d of Level Test - The material taught and covered are the skills that are assessed and to find out the progression of the students m and what they have learnt during the semester as well mile stones in the language strengths and weaknesses

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