Hello Teachers, How do you usually assess speaking skills? What are your criteria for speaking?

What is your Speaking lesson framework?

11 answers from our tutors

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Pronunciation, vocabulary, accuracy, interaction and fluency are all markers of speaking ability. Students may excel in one and struggle in another. Describing pictures, role-play, re-telling a story are all good ways to practice

  • Gugu
    GuguCountry flag: za
    Certified Esl teacher

    By making the student repeat the words after me, that also helps with pronunciation .

  • Good day, speaking skills are based on the usage of vocabulary and the amount of proper grammar usage. Students often speak based on their background accent, so of course it is not based on accenta. This is because pronunciation differs from region to region and some accents can be very strong in the native tongue. For example, if one were to work with beginners, their native tongue or sound in the L1 is pronounced and so one has to listen to hear the vocabulary usage and grammar usage such as word order and sentence order in the lexical and syntax. It is not to say that phonology is not important- the way they pronounce the words or say the words, but one must consider this area with caution due to students' varied background. One mart then want to evaluate the speed at which the person speaks the language, but this too much be done with a lot of factors in mind. Remember, students need to grow, especially if and when the language is not their native tongue or L1. We must grade good.

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  • when students read more article per day enable to know how to speak.

  • Accuracy, interaction and pronunciation and fluency are criteria for speaking

  • Hi, Well I have two methods: I make students reading something and we discuss on it and the second that is open questions. Best Regards

  • I use a short story as an oral lesson. Then I ask questions to the students. I assess the way they answer. Their tenses, pronunciation, intonation and fluency.

  • Reading, Pronunciation Practice, Speaking, and shadowing are practices you can do to improve your Fluneny

  • through conversational lessons, reading and just daily dialogue and being able to distinguish between different vocabularies.

  • My assessment of a student's speaking level is based on the following: Advanced speaker level - The student can hold a general conversation, answer and ask questions without mispronouncing any words, possess strong reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Intermediate Speaker Level - The student can follow and contribute to a basic conversation, answer and ask questions, but mispronounces certain words, has basic reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Beginner speaker level - The student can't hold a basic conversation, can't answer or ask basic questions and has problems with reading comprehension and weak vocabulary skills. Where do you "Stand" in these 3 speaker levels? Look forward to hearing from you on these topics!!! Thanks.

  • As I'm trained as an IELTS tutor, I really love the IELTS speaking band descriptors and assessment criteria, so personally I use Fluency and coherence, Lexical resource, Grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation. In my opinion, these are much less vague than say just 'Grammar' which helps when it comes to giving valuable student feedback. This is, however, personal preference. There are a plethora of good marking criteria out there to be utilized.

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