Genuine Question: Why is the clock in UK changes in spring? This time, its 1 hour advanced.

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It all goes back to farming, and giving farmers more daylight to work on the land. Up until about 1840ish, each region on the UK had it's own local time. If you lived on one side of a mountain the sun would appear to rise earlier than on the other side of the mountain - where you were in it's shadow. So the people living in the shadow would naturally get up later! As we became more mechanised with the onset of trains and the industrial revolution, the poor old farmers were having to get up in the dark. So, by agreeing to move the clocks forward (6am becomes 7am) they would have more daylight earlier in the day (daylight saving). So this, tied to the industrial revolution and standardising time against Greenwich (Greenwich Mean Time) meant the farmers, communities and later the world, would work to a time standard. By the way, Greenwich isn't where the day actually begins. It's an island in the middle of the pacific. As usual, the elite British colonised time.

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