Each character in a sentence is only one word?
16 answers from our tutors
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Not always. 在 一个 句子 中,不是 所有的 汉字 都 代表 一个 词语。We don't use space keys between words like English. But if we add them, a sentence is like above. A beginner might get confused how to distinguish a word in a sentence, like"一个"is a word while "个句" is not a word. Don't get frustrated. A beginner always has different kinds of questions whichever language he learns. Once you keep learning, such confusions just go away. A good teacher can help you get improved faster. Good luck!
Usually it is, but sometimes two characters make up one word, like putao 葡萄.
其实 每一个字,也不是只有一个意思。 这个需要语言环境。 Actually not each character just present one word or one meaning. It depends on the circumstance it appears.
It depends on situations. Sometimes one chinese character can be one word, such as 火 fire. Sometimes can be two or three or four or even more characters such as 葡萄🍇.
Each character in a sentence is a syllable. It has it's own sound. But, to determine a word in chinese takes some understanding. Like English, a word can have multiple syllables like: unmendable..un and able are sounds by themselves, but not words, and mend is a word that can be used by itself. Likewise, in chinese you have sounds that can be used by themselves and sounds that can not.
Not always there is a little confusion bcz we simply don't use space keys in the sentence so it makes confusion
- JennyZhouCambridge Celta Teacher Chinese Teacher Business expert
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Not necessarily. It may be more 2, 3... However, di-syllable words are more frequent, estimated at around 78%. where mono-syllable are estimated at around 15%.
Learn Chinese Pinyin the way you learn English, English word is made up of vowels and consonants ,but it can has one or more than 2 syllables, the same as Pinyin, it is made up of initial consonant ,final and tone, Each syllable is one Chinese character.So now ,you should get your answer. Have a look at the book HSK, and I can share the materials if you really want it.
你可以这样理解,但是事实不是这个样子. 中文是由字、词、句、段、篇、章组成而英语的学习不是,英语的学习是从词,句,段,篇。