Do you think it is scientifically possible for Santa to deliver all the gifts in one night? :)

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MiaCountry flag: ca
Certified TEFL Teacher

You're the best ones to know. With all the science we know, there's only one mystery that we still don't know how to answer about Santa Claus.

  • The sheer number of households and the distance between them would make it impossible,even considering time zones and the Earth’s rotation.However,Santa operates in the realm of folklore and imagination,so he transcends scientific imagination!

  • I'm sorry if my comment seems a little negative; I wonder how this question will help either students or teachers. You are not writing on your personal Facebook page. Remember this is a teaching platform.

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  • every thing is possible when God wants

  • He takes advantage of the Earth's time zones! He starts by delivering presents at the International Date Line and travels west following the Earth's rotation around the sun. By doing that he gains many, many extra hours of time. Children are actually waking up and opening presents while Santa is still delivering!

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