Do you know much about your own culture? And what do think is the most interesting thing about it?

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My Jamaican culture is very unique and colourful especially the food and the island itself and all the natural spots. What is most interesting about my Jamaican culture is the patios' language and the rustic entertainment that some parishes have.

  • This one way that politicians are kept in check. The British Judiciary are also appointed by the monarch and swear allegiance to the Crown. So, unlike the USA our top judges are not political appointees, and are therefore independent of politics or the will of the government of the day. Our armed forces and police also swear allegiance to the king and not to a constitution or flag or any politician, ensuring that there can never be a coup d'etat. The king reigns by consent of the people and, should he be a bad king, we have been known to get rid of him (Charles I and Edward VIII). The other thing that shocks everybody is that there is no national ID card. Yes, that's right , we have no ID cards. Yes we have passports and driving licences but if you can't drive, or do not travel you will not need either. The logic is simple a free person does not have to prove who they are. The police are not allowed to ask you who you are unless you have been arrested. This to me is how it should be.

  • I'm British. British culture is quite dynamic, but there are a few things that are quite unbelievable and have many foreigners completely dumbfounded. The first one will explain why we still have a monarch. The UK actually needs a monarch, the king is not just for tradition or for tourism, he has a very real and vital role in how the UK works. Let me explain. The UK does not have a written constitution, it never has. The monarch IS the constitution. While the king is not elected, our politicians are. The king cannot be involved in politics or hold political office (members of the British Royal Family are not even allowed to vote in elections). However, The Prime Minister has a meeting with the monarch EVERY week to talk about what the government is doing. The king advises the Prime Minister on what he should and should not do, based upon the countless thousands of people (like you and me) he comes into contact with every day. (Continued on next section)

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  • I am a South African and I am from the Xhosa tribe. I love the food and the language and the humanity.

  • When I saw this question, it took a few minutes to register for me personally. What would you say if my answer is, I don't have a culture, I do have culture though.

  • My Jamaican culture is reggae music and sand sea and sunshine. Beautiful Caribbean island known for music by great legend Bob Marley.

  • Donnie Starkey
    Donnie StarkeyCountry flag: us
    ESL teacher

    Diversity. America is so big that each corner of our country has their own culture. We still want the underdog to win. People can come from any walk of life, work hard, learn, maybe start a business and prosper.

  • I am South African and my culture is Swati the most thing interesting thing about my culture is the language it sound so simple and calm.

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