Do people acquire languages or learn them?

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Language learning is an intentional process where grammar rules and patterns are included. However, language acquisition is a natural process where grammar and other skills are not considered.

  • Learning a language is a conscious process while acquiring a language is subconscious. When it comes to rules of grammar people do learn but when they want an easy way to grab the concept they acquire a language It also depends on individual demand like for education they will learn but for conversation they acquire

  • People try to grasp the concept of language instead of acquired. They just try to learn languages by parachute they even wants some shortcuts. So when you can't chewed the whole book how can you made it easier for you and your surroundings

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  • A language is something you learn. You acquire skills but language is built and learned.

  • In simple words, when you learn something new by making some effort, you are learning, but when you learn something new naturally without making any effort, you are acquiring.

  • I think it's a combination of both. We learn vocabulary, grammar etc. We acquire vernacular, accents and a certain way of expressing our personalities in our second language. I think it goes hand in hand. You can't successfully do one without the other.

  • People can both "acquire" and "learn" languages. "Acquire" means it's like picking up a language naturally, while "learn" is when you study and practice to understand the language. In reality, we usually use a mix of both ways to get good at speaking a new language.

  • Your mother tongue is aquired language from a baby but children can easily learn other languages especially at a younger age.

  • Yes however learning begins at home starting from a baby, how that child is raised at home will often determine their future

  • Both, you can decide to take up lesson to learn a language or by acquiring it through socializing, friendships and just speaking to people who speak a different langue than you.

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