Do learners like roleplays for practising English in real-life situations?

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8 answers from our tutors

  • Yes, Precisely. Simulation makes learning more fun.

  • It depends on the student's personality and shyness but the more role plays the more English becomes more fun and interesting. Practice makes perfect!

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  • Yes, they do! I have that kind of activity, and they like it.

  • Yes. It makes it more fun. But never the less you do what makes the student more comfortable.

  • Yes indeed!

  • It depends. Some people are quite shy and not very histronic.

  • It depends on the student and their personality, as well as, whether this is your area of expertise or not. Instead this fun learning concept can end up awkward and counterproductive. However, preparing a student for specific life situations in the English-speaking world like: job interview, ordering a coffee/meal for yourself, amongst many other examples should always be incorporated. These are the most useful aspects of learning any language if you ask me..

  • Yesss. It will be so much fun if you act like you are in the situation.

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