Distinguished tutors, which accent you resonate with?
8 answers from our tutors
I love accents and i love doing them. I think i could have British in my past life. However id say the one that resonates for me is the french accent.
The British accent has always fascinated me. I don't know what it is about it.
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Start testI would say Australian, Canadian, American and British
Hi Abdo, I am always fascinated by accents and find them very attractive, some of the ones I enjoy are the American, French and Indian especially when watching movies. There are so many more accents that I enjoy listening to but they are too many to mention.
I believe as long as we can deliver the messeges fluently and simply we do not have to have concern about the accent. We should not conentrate on accents but messeges.
Hello Ando, The two most Admirable English accents in the world are the British and American accents. As a tutor, I prefer to resonate with these two accents.
To give an example for everyone to follow, I like the American accent because I have listened to umpteen podcasts hosted by native speakers from America.