Did you know it is incorrect to say funny enough ?

Let’s look at the two words Funny and then enough. Enough is an adverb and Funny is an adjective.Adjective describe nouns only but adverbs can describe other adverbs, adjectives and also verbs at the same time so you cannot say ‘funny enough’ because funny is an adjective and cannot qualify or modify enough. With this explanation what do you think is the best way to put ?

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The phrase " funny enough "is actually grammatically correct. It's commonly used in casual speech and writing. It's an Idiomatic expression that means something unexpected or surprising. While the phrase might not follow strict grammatical rules, it has become an accepted way of expressing surprise or irony in formal language. Language is not always strictly governed by formal grammar rules, it also incorporates colloquialisms, idioms and commonly used phrases." funny enough" is part of the living language that has gained recognition and meaning through usage.

  • I've just realised my previous comment referred to the phrase funnily enough and not funny enough. So funny enough would be correct if you asked a question such as: "Is my joke funny enough?" Funnily enough means surprisingly or curiously or even oddly.

  • I am in agreement with GraceField, there is nothing wrong with the statement/phrase, but it is also part of "new" languages, ,simply put, English evolving. Its dope right!

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  • Exactly! In fact, it’s more proper to say, “quite funny”.

  • Actually, funny enough could be heroes. Let’s saying oh that was funny enough to go viral. If you’re describing Actually, funny enough could be heroes. Let’s saying oh, that was funny enough to go viral. If you’re describing something, I think, describing some thing you can use adverbs and adjetives together.

  • Funnily enough English is an irregular language. This idiom is used frequently and doesn't need to be explained by grammar.

  • Your explanation is well-defined. In my opinion, something is either funny or not funny. I don't think it needs another word to qualify it.

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